Moving to America
This Scottish-born virtuoso took up her instrument as a six year old, and was the youngest student her teacher world renown ever took on. Louise did not disappoint, and after more than 10 years of study, she’d graduated and moved on to University and then postgraduate study at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. At 20 she came to the U.S. because careers for harpists were tough to come by in Scotland.
“I was freelancing with all the major Scottish orchestras. But by the time I was in college none of them had full-time harpists anymore,” she sighs. “I had the chance to take a lesson with one of the finest harpists in the Americas, Kathleen Bride, and she offered me a position to earn my Masters’ degree in the U.S. at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, funded by grant monies from scholarships and the Scottish International Education Trust,” she continues. “Kathleen Bride was wonderful to study with,” Louise remembers.